
For today's post, I am going to focus on some books I've been reading.
I am not sure when I did the last post chronicling the books I've read... but I am sure it's been awhile.
(I think I am averaging 2 books a week)

*This is a continuation from yesterday's post:

Hitty: Her First 100 Years/ Rachel Field: Yes, it's a children's book. But it's amazing for the history.
A Mind to Murder/ P.D. James : another great mystery cozy.
The Foretelling/ Alice Hoffman : Kinda "far out" for an Alice Hoffman. Not sure if I liked it or not.
Skylight Confessions/ Alice Hoffman : very good... but sad.
Property Of/ Alice Hoffman : interesting, but tragic story
John Muir's America : gorgeous photography
Anderson's Tales (This was a vintage version): sometimes I like to get older editions just to look at the great illsutrations.
History's Worst Crimes/ Bill Price : reminded me of those "Ripley Believe it or Not" books when I was a kid.
Backyard Bestiary/ Ton De Joode with illustrations by Kees de Kiefte : absolutely gorgeous artwork
The Herb Book/ John Lust : this is a classic. I have a very beat up paperback
Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales : wowee. This is glorious! I had to buy my own copy.
Summer Hours at the Robber's Library/ Sue Halpern : I didn't expect much... but it was really good!
Home Grown Tea/ Cassie Liversidge : makes me wonder if I could grow tea here in PA.
Backyard Foraging/ Ellen Zachos : excellent information!
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes/ Caitlin Doughty : totally wonderful, as are all her books.
Light in the Dark/ Edited by Joe Fossler : this is a collection... so I read the chapters by authors I was interested in. Very good.

...and I've started this series of mysteries by author Martin Walker.
These are the ones I've read so far:
Bruno, Chief of Police (#1)
The Dark Vineyard (#2)
The Black Diamond (#3)
The Crowded Grave (#4)

These books are SOOOOOOOO good. 
They are amazing for reading about everyday life... but also for the twists and turns of the mystery involved. Fantastic!