
Several years ago, the hubby and I went to Tuscon for a brief vacation... and stopped at the San Xavier Mission. I love it.
This is just a portion of the altar space in the sanctuary... and I thought it would be appropriate to share it today as it is so close to Christmas.
Hope you are all doing well. Today I am hoping to finish up a couple more custom pieces that need completed.

But here are a few I finished up this week (you can click on the photos to enlarge them):
--These are Antler and stone/glass pieces... and a walking stick that I carved, embellished and added a doorknob to as a handle.

-- and these are some pieces that I restrung for a friend, who sent me some bags of beads of broken jewelry.

-- and here is a sterling and crystal rosary that I finished as well. It is super tiny! with tons of teeny, meticulous wire wrapping on each bead.
I love the center and crucifix, which are hand-cast replicas of antique Catholic pieces.