
so... it's been a few weeks of not sleeping... the flare is real, folks.
but on the other hand, the house is (relatively) picked up... and I've read a bunch of books.
For today's post, I thought I would share with you some of the books I've finished up recently:

O Pioneers - by Willa Cather: No one writes descriptions like Willa Cather. Hard at times to get through though.
Being Mortal - by Atul Gawande: should be essential reading for everyone
From Here to Eternity by Caitlin Doughty: very interesting, and I really like her writing style
Forensic Nurse - by Serita Stevens: Not bad, not good.. and it had such great potential.
Stiff - by Mary Roach: funny and awesome. I read it years ago... and skimmed it again.

currently reading: 
*Coroner's Journal - by Louis Cataldie: this one looks really good.
*Unnatural Death: Confessions of a Medical Examiner - by Michael Baden: celebrities? Oh my...
*In Cold Blood - by Truman Capote: have always wanted to read it, but thought it would be too creepy. We'll see...

...and then I have some more "happy" books on my bedside table... but I will talk about those in another post sometime after I have finished them. I think it was the upcoming holidays of Halloween and Dia de los Muertos that got me started on a death themed bunch of books.... but that said; I think that in general, we don't talk enough about death, it's impact on us and our families... and how we choose to exit this world. I think as a society, we are getting better about it... but (sadly) lots of folks never have those conversations... and that needs changed.
See you all tomorrow.