It's been a busy day... and I am looking forward to settling in with some hot tea and a book.
Today ZeeZe had to go to the Veterinarian's for his check-up. He also got a shot, got flea and tick medicine,
and was checked for Lyme disease ( he does NOT have it --YAY!).
We then went to a local shop to get plants for my mom ... and ice cream for us as a reward.
ZeeZe loves peanut butter ice cream... for the record.
We bought my mom 4 gorgeous hanging Lobelia plants (photo above)... and plants for the flower boxes on her front porch.
For those, we got some hanging bright green potato vines, and luscious pink geraniums.
She also has a stunning tomato plant for her back patio... so she can have the occasional fresh tomato this summer.
Yes, we are late to the whole flower planting game... but the weather has been odd this year, and I haven't felt up to doing much of anything.
As of right now though... they look wonderful.
Afterwards, we had mom up for a simple dinner of beef tips and scalloped potatoes, mixed veggies and tea.
It was a nice way to end a busy afternoon.
See you all tomorrow.