It's hard to believe that I have written on this blog for 9 1/2 years...
in some ways, it feels like I only have just started.
It's not easy trying to live out your dreams... but I wouldn't have it any other way.
When we moved back to PA in the fall of 2013, we anticipated getting a "normal" job, working and living a relatively quiet life
while helping to take care of family. Who knew, that the job market was just not opening up for us... and we had to scramble
to find something else to pay the bills.
And now, Jim is writing a work of fiction... and I am making art, jewelry, and fixing up things we come across (upcycling).
We're making lemonade, so to speak, from salvaged lemons.
This year, we hope to concentrate on fixing up the house and yard a bit more....
working on our gardens.... and getting more of our work "out there."
We are not making heaps.... but we are ok.
And I am grateful.