Who knew I had all this leather?? all of it was gifted to me over the past couple years, so I am thrilled to be able to pass it on to someone else. A friend of mine does leather-work, and I think has some good pieces to play with in there. I did pull out a shoe-box's worth... future fodder for jewelry... so that is exciting as well.
Things are winding down. I think all I have left to list (on Ebay) out of the studio is some random costume jewelry lots, and tons of books and magazines. It is good to be making headway. And very cool to be at a point where I can work on things I love.
On an aside... I have been extraordinarily tired these past few weeks.... and have been sleeping (or trying to) more... which... I have to believe is helping on some level. Either way, it is what it is... and I find myself only productive for a few hours each day.
This coming weekend is going to be incredibly busy with Easter, functions to take my mom too...
an open house at my friend's shop in Germania (look HERE too), and a memorial get-together for a friend who passed away.
Keep creating folks!
See you all tomorrow.