
Happy Maker Monday!
... my series of posts where I feature something the daughter or I are working on, 
and encourage the maker lifestyle.

This week I felt quite restless, yet exhausted.
So I found that I could only work in small bits of time. Because of this, I decided to work on a few pair of earrings .... comprised of new beads and ear wires, coupled with some salvaged pieces from my stash of broken jewelry.

I also made a cool steampunk inspired pendulum. 
It is made with an antique brass chain - a vintage radio tube - a vintage brass bell, vintage yak bone, 
hematite and brass beads... and lots of positive thoughts.

I also worked more on the "business end" of my work... designing a new Logo/ Avatar for some of my pages, new banners, and watermarks for both my photography work, and my "craft" work. I realized that most of them I had been using for many years (my logo has been in use since '98)... and it was time for a change.