I took this photo earlier in the summer of the interior of a friend's barn. I am just now getting to editing it.... but I think it's cool.
It's photographs like these that make me love photography so much. The light... the texture... the interesting bits...
And of course, to me it is a reflection of my friends and their home... which is always good.
Some times you just have to take time out and enjoy looking about you and seeing how beautiful things really are...
And hey... it's the weekend! Which means I have some links to share with you all:
* Historic photographs of 19th century Lumber Camps
* 1920s art nouveau prints
* Cavin-Morris Gallery
* artist Wenyi
* artist Olek
* artist Amber Cowan
* 20 female artists pushing Figurative painting forward
* painting with gunpowder!
* artist David Burton
* photographer Steve Axford
* hoarder... or artist?
* just funny
* photographer Niki Boon
* artist Jesuso Ortiz
* interesting read...
I hope you all have a great weekend, and I will see you back here on Monday.