for the weekend

ah... the weekend.
And somehow, I managed to miss most all of today because I slept until 4pm.
Now, even though I am technically awake.... I can't seem to get it together.
Such is life.
Fortunately, because of living with lupus all these years... I take into account days when I will not be able to get as much done
 as I would like... or feel like I should do... and am rather used to this type of situation. And in the whole scheme of things... 
I am just grateful I got some (apparently much needed) rest.

But alas, I am late posting my weekend post.
Per my usual routine, I've some links to share with you all:

*Dee Adams -- never heard of her, but she is coming to a local venue here, and she sounds pretty cool.
*photographer Irma Haselberger
*replica Titanic? Set to sale in 2018
*new work from Patti Smith
*I love sea glass... and have collected it for years
*I think I might have shared this before... it's still awesome
*meals from your favorite works of fiction
*I had the divine pleasure of meeting this famous poet this week, thanks to a friend. See this link too.
*super awesome fabric collage
*a new take on tintype photography
*for my hubby.... who knows how much I love 2001:Space Odyssey (ie: NOT AT ALL). This is an interesting re-do.
*and of course, this is just cool

I hope you have a great (remainder) of your weekend, and I will see you all back here on Monday.

((the photo for today's post is of a turtle the daughter and I saw a few weeks ago on a ride in the jeep)).