for the weekend

It's the weekend!
So very much is going on in the area here... tons of fireworks, sales, gatherings and more. Lots of activities surrounding the coming 4th of July. Frankly, I think my weekend is going to involve staying home and working around the studio... and that is absolutely alright with me.
I am so grateful that the daughter and I were able to run some errands and such earlier in the week... because I am thinking we need a couple days of rest and recoup time.

We are also "watching" a senior dachshund for a friend, and he is an amusing old fellow.
Somehow, I don't think he will mind if we just hang out.

And of course, I've some links to share with you all:
* Alaskan Bears! Live cam
* Native American herbal remedies
* cool things about bumblebees
* now this, this is a treehouse
* Ali Alamedy's miniature dioramas
* have you heard of the 5 hour rule?
* paper sculptures by Georgia Russell (no relation)
* some amazing churches
* have you seen this corn?
* photographer Christopher Swann

I hope you have an awesome weekend, and I will see you all back here on Monday.