
Happy Friday!
Things are rolling along... busy as usual. Today I am running errands for my mom, and helping out where I can. And.... trying to get some work done, both in the studio... and with things we have been up-cycling to sell.

The photos for today's post are ones I took a bit ago when the daughter and I were out driving one day. We took a ride up to Cherry Springs State Park... and this is the old fire tower that is out there. As far as I know, it is not in use; nor has it been for man years. But it's still a cool structure... and very fun to take photos of.

According to one site:
1917 - Chief Forest Fire Warden Report, 1918
October 10, 1917: "An observation tower is being built on the highest point in the Black Forest, about one and one-half miles from Cherry Springs, which will be used for the sighting of forest fires in the county. The tower will be 70 feet high when completed and is at the present time erected to about 40 feet. It is constructed of steel and is being erected by the State Forestry Department. The tower will be connected by telephone so that news of any forest fire can be quickly spread. This tower will no doubt prove of considerable interest to tourists.--Westfield Free Press." (The Wellsboro Agitator)

1917: "A new steel tower was erected in August and September of this year (1917) near Cherry Springs, Potter County. The tower is sixty feet high and from it the observer can detect the first smoke of a fire anywhere within a radius of from 15 to 25 miles. A tabulation of the cost of the tower follows: Cost of tower - $350.00; Freight on tower - $24.98; Staking out site and digging holes - $54.03; Foundation - $47.42; Erection - $127.94; Road and Improvement to site - $16.80. Total - $621.17.

Hope you are all having a great day, and I will see you all tomorrow for my weekend post.