
It's Friday!
This super tiny plant is adorable. My grandmother used to call this "Watchman's Hourglass".... but I think this must have just been her name for it; because I can't find that as a reference anywhere. She was cool like that  >>wink<<
I think it is probably an herb called "Heal All." You can see more about this plant here.

In other news... I've been busy trying to sort through stuff to sell, and this weekend, I need to concentrate on building a couple raised beds for a garden area. And maybe... a day trip somewhere.
We'll see.

---See you all tomorrow for my weekend post.


UPDATE: so I consulted with a dear friend (who happens to be a botanist),
and she said the plant in my photo is most likely Bugleweed ( Ajuga reptans atropurpurea ).
Yay! and thanks Chris for helping me out.