
Happy "Maker Monday!"... when I feature something I've made over the course of the previous week and encourage the maker lifestyle.

Yesterday, we all went out of town to go to a place in Punxsutawney PA. The Nomadic Trading Company is a huge building that used to be an 1800's silk milk; now converted to Flea Market, Auction house and Indoor Shopping Village. Needless to say, it was full of cool stuff... and we had a bawl. Off and on, I would remember to take a couple photos...

And then on the way home, we stopped a couple of times to take a short walk in nature.
One of the plants I was taking photos of, was of skunk cabbage --- which has begun to sprout up in swampy areas all over the place.
I was so inspired by the day, that I made the photo at the top of today's post... and I think it is my favorite of the altered photographs that I've made.. or at least, so far.

Also this past week, I was working on a custom order. A lady had written to me; and wanted to buy 50 rosary rings (all with Saint Luke Catholic medals on them) for her son's baptism. She wanted a little something to gift folks who came for the event to take home with them. Such a cool idea! I special ordered the necessary supplies and once they got here, got to work. They should be arriving to her house today.

(you can click on this bottom photo to see it larger if you want to)

Hope you all have a great day, and I will see you all back here tomorrow...