for the weekend

It's the weekend!
... and I am looking forward to some quality time with some books I've borrowed from the library.
Sometimes... it's just great to start a fire in the fireplace, and kick back. 

And, per my usual routine, I've got some links to share with you all: 

* Woody Guthrie's List of New Year's Resolutions from 1942
* Did you know that Andy Warhol illustrated books?
* 12 must-read books from Fortune magazine
* so this artist inherited his grandfather's tool shed (and all the contents) ... and is drawing every.single. thing. inside it.
* puppeteer Basil Twist
* some pretty fantastic paper sculptures
* and interesting take on some mysterious history

I hope you all have a couple of restful days... and I will see you all back here on Monday for my "Maker Monday" post.