for the weekend

My day started at 3pm... which means I must be more exhausted and sore than I had thought.
And it's been Homecoming weekend, and a flurry of events this weekend.... so things are busy, busy.
And it snowed today!!! Briefly, and it's gone... but it's amazing how quickly fall is fading.
...time flies so incredibly fast...

I'm thinking the rest of my weekend, will be concentrating on the last couple of projects I have on my "to-do" list... 
and perhaps some movies and books that I've recently gotten at the local library.
In the meantime; 

Here are some interesting links I've found to share with you all:
* collage artist Eugenia Loli
* Not sure if this is a neat idea or not, but it must have taken forever.
* artist Rafael Mantesso
* I think I've posted this before, but it just surprises me
* this looks amazing
* National Geographic Traveler photography contest winners
* Svetlana Alexievich, winner of the 2015 Nobel Peace Prize in Literature
* artist Anthony Stevens
* The Roanoke Colony ... new ideas?
* and interesting take on Charles Schultz and "Peanuts."
* something to get you "in the mood" for Halloween.

I hope you all have a great weekend... and I will see you all back here on Monday.
Previously, I had been doing "foodie" posts on Mondays, featuring produce I purchased at my local farm market. 
Since the farm market has ended, I will still do the occasional "foodie" type posts... 
but Mondays will be set aside for a new feature, "Maker Mondays"... 
showing whatever I've made during the course of the week... with perhaps, a little "how-to"...
See you on Monday!