sometimes there are no words... so I find others that have them:
Love means
to reach for the sky
and with every breath
to tear a hundred veils.
Love means
to step away from the ego,
to open the eyes
of inner vision
and not to take this world
so seriously.
~ Rumi
...and, of course, I have some links I've gathered up for you all to look at:
*Elizabethan versions of nerd heroes
*on Sally Mann
*an artist named Talwst (and a couple more links here... and here). I love his work.
*overnight Daikon radish pickle recipe
*the miniature worlds of Patrick Jacobs
*this looks interesting
*photographer Mario Macilau
*10 superfoods
*senseless PA travel promoting here...
*love this
*what I'm listening to right now
*and then there is this. I received a note from a person who had bought some of my envelopes out of the Etsy shop; and they wrote an entire blog post on them... which is pretty cool.
ah, yes... so there you have it folks.
I am off... but I will see you all back here on Monday with my "foodie" post featuring produce from my local farmer's market.
Have a great weekend.