for the weekend

It's the weekend!
And although I spent the am in the ER with my hubby (dang kidney stones)...
there is still much to do... not the least of which is... to get some more rest.
So I will leave you with a couple photos I took yesterday... and some links I've gathered this week:

*book I am reading right now, and the one I finished last night.
*two of the most recent movies I've watched are THIS ... and this. Loved the first one... and the music was great! (whole soundtrack here). I didn't like the 2nd one at all... pretty to look at (sometimes) but... difficult to follow... and difficult to watch because of the way it was photographed at times.
*hubby found this article and passed it on to me...
*did you know you can order "paint by number" kits of your photos?
*looking forward to making this sometime
*interesting PA history
*food for thought from the Washington Post
*where to "cool off" in all 50 states
*2015 National Geographic photo contest winners
*and just something I thought was cool.

and from my reading list:
-Eco Fashion Talk
-Becky Shander
-Dustin Cohen
-Budding Foodie
-Christine Chitnis

...I hope you all have an awesome weekend...
and I will see you all back here on Monday for my "foodie" post, with produce I was able to get from Friday's Farmer's Market.