...as artists, we must constantly be diligent.
working... researching... learning... experimenting... working some more...
yes, "having a gift" is certainly part of it... but it's also a lot of blood, sweat, and work.
I am constantly impressed with my daughter's work ethic.
She works on her art every.single.day.
and for hours and hours.
I think sometimes, it is easy to write off a great piece of art, as being from someone who is talented...
and yes, that is important... and a blessing... but there is certainly so much more to it.
Creativity. Practice. Success... and yes, failure.
We learn and grow from it all.
We learn and grow from it all.
.we are makers.
((artwork featured on today's post is by my daughter, Kristin Russell.
She has been selling her art since she was 12yrs old;
and since moving to PA has become a PA Wilds (juried) Artisan.
You can see her work at Firestone Forge, and in her Etsy shop.))
((artwork featured on today's post is by my daughter, Kristin Russell.
She has been selling her art since she was 12yrs old;
and since moving to PA has become a PA Wilds (juried) Artisan.
You can see her work at Firestone Forge, and in her Etsy shop.))