Some days are harder than others. You want to believe that people are inherently good.
That most folks, given the option... will help out their fellow neighbor, lend a hand, fight for a good cause... that sort of thing.
And most of the time; they do.
I believe in community.
I believe in the "small town" mentality of helping each other out. Of knowing your neighbors, sharing a cup of coffee...
and getting the chores done (so to speak). That together ... we are stronger.
Some days... I am disappointed... or perhaps... just a little disillusioned.
Perhaps I am thinking and missing my dad... who died 5yrs ago this week.... and my sister, who has been gone for several years now...
who both would have wise and encouraging words to say.
And it will be OK.... but for today, I am logging off and checking out for a day or so.
Sometimes you just need to take a step back.
See you all on Saturday for my weekend post.