
Yesterday was spent going on a small road trip to State College, PA (see more HERE as well).
We had a glorious full day at Barnes & Noble book store... tons of awesome books to look at and narrow down for our purchases.... great coffee... lots of fun! I can't tell you how much I have longer for a book and coffee date... and it did not disappoint.
---and then we had a late dinner at the India Pavilion; which was incredible.
The food was excellent... samosas, Mango lassi, shrimp biryani... and more.
I highly recommend it.

On the way home; we saw 51 deer! a young bear, a porcupine, and a raccoon... which was amazing.
I don't think I've ever seen that much wildlife out and about... so that was great.
And all along the way down... (of course)... I took the occasional photo.
The photos for today's post are of skunk cabbage (symplocarpus foetidus);  which we saw off an on along the creeks while we were driving. I think they are beautiful... so green!
You can read more about the plant here... and here... and here.

But for today... I hope to rest up a it... and maybe read a bit... and I'll see you all tomorrow.