I love black and white photography... and I love a more journalistic/ street kind of approach to what I do.
With my camera dying... this has been utmost in my mind in looking for a new camera to get.
Well, that and affordability... and quality for my budget constraints.
One of the newest photographers on the scene (or at least one that is making the news this week) is Xyza Bacani.
This is the story that MSN ran this am... and the New York Times posted this (and here is a link to her website).
She has a very journalistic feel to her photos, and it reminds me of the work of Vivian Maier (whom I love).
Photography will always be my first love.
But I've also been working on some new jewelry pieces to list in the shop this week...
and I've made a couple new sets of envelopes & cards from recycled children's books...
so things are rolling along.
So what's next?
A show with the PA Wilds in mid-June... working on the home & studio... cleaning more things out of my craft stash to sell online...
trying to get my health back on track.... ordering a new camera.... and of course, making new stuff.
See you all tomorrow!
(the photo for today's post is one I took a couple weeks ago on the way to State College.
I've never seen a train on these tracks before, and we were excited to see it come rolling on down).