
Bringer of light.... giver of gifts.
The sun is shining; and has been for the last week.
Blazing hot... "unseasonably warm" ... as most have said... and today... ((finally)) ... rain.
A break from the heat... and a refreshing drink for all that is growing.
And growing it is.

It's like... someone turned on the mythical switch... and things have been bursting forth since.

And so it is with us here, as well.
Today Jim starts his new job... and I (sorta) start mine as well.
That is to say... I am going to try to free my mind from endless worry and that feeling of treading water financially... and try to concentrate on things here at home. Cleaning the studio, organizing... working on the yard and house... things that are very important to me... but have been put on the "back burner" so to speak... while I was trying to concentrate on making ends meet.

These past few days; and I expect... a few more.... will be ones of healing and rest.
De-stressing... releasing.... and being thankful.
What are you thankful for today?

~~~ see you all tomorrow.