
It's looking a bit dreary out there... at least, I think... for most people.
But I love the rain ('we've got a light misting of rain going on right now).
I'm sure it has something to do with living in a desert for so many years... and yes, that is probably part of it... but I've always loved the rain... even as a child.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with me being born on a Wednesday... like in the poem
"Monday's Child."...
I was curious, and found this on the poem... which speculates the astrology aspects of the poem.
In this application, a Wednesday's child would have been named after Woden; stated here as a messenger of God... perhaps bringing woeful tidings and news. hmmmmmmmmmm.
So... what day were you born on?
"Curious, and curiouser"... as Alice would say. (see this link).

But alas, for today. Work must be done. And so it shall.

I've been using up the last bits of remnant scraps of yarns ... finishing up 2 more youth sized scarves these last couple of nights. It looks like I've managed to make 9 scarves in total so far (one called Lady Who was gifted... and 8 are in this photo). I've also got one big ball of yarn that I've been adding to for a year or so... tied bits of yarn all wound onto a single ball to make one large mis-matchy scarf.
I may have one more scarf's worth of new (and expensive) yarn... and then I have completely used up all the yarn I have in the house. Which is perfect, as the season is mostly (hopefully) done for scarf-wearing weather.
>>giggle<< .... it is Potter County after all... and one never knows.

---see you all tomorrow.