It's a conundrum sometimes, as a working artist.
Yes, I have a studio.... but it's really cold down there at the moment; being in the midst of winter here... and all.
So... I've resorted to "taking over" the kitchen table. Which, a lot of working artists do... yes.
But... my inner "organizer" is freaking out a bit.
When we moved, we packed up the studio in a bit of a hurry; as we were rushing into construction and into selling the house as quickly as possible. To this end; a lot of my studio (beads, tools, findings, etc)... simply got boxed or put into tubs.... with no sense of organization.
Since moving here, it's been one-thing-after-another... what with flooding in the basement on several occasions...
and with working temp jobs and such.... that I've never gone through it completely.
... well, I still haven't... completely... but I did bring up one of the tubs that is just a jumble of things;
and the daughter and I have been going through it.
Sorting.... glass beads from gemstones..... from vintage... to buttons... to findings..... to cabachons.... to all sorts of goodies. It's like Christmas here. Lots of... "when did I get this?".... "where did I get this?".... and wow! That is awesome! ....rings out through the house.
... to this end, I was reading an article the other day... that was talking about ways to get inspired.
Right now, I am thinking... that dumping all your goodies onto the kitchen table...
is surely a great way to jump start your inspiration meter...
See you all tomorrow.