
...well, the hill is quiet today.... and it's been good.

I've had some news these past few days that I wanted to share with you all.
First, remember me mentioning that I had entered a contest and submitted a logo design?
Well, I've been notified that I am in the "finals" for it... and should hear shortly.
The design is for the Route6 Artisan Trails, and the design I submitted features one of my daughter's abstract paintings along with some text and such that I configured. The winner receives a yearly subscription.

Secondly, I had submitted a few weeks ago to ECCOTA,
ECCOTA is the Elk County Council on the Arts, and they feature Pennsylvania handcrafts and artisan works in a gallery space located in Ridgeway, PA.
"The Council’s goal is to enhance the lives of county residents and the various local arts by offering experiences in the arts, providing educational opportunity and advice, and by supporting performers, musicians, artists, artisans and writers."
I am happy to announce that I have received my acceptance letter ... now I just need to figure out what I am submitting... >>wink<<

And I am plugging along.
I've been trying to get some new things made for the Etsy shop;
and have started a Facebook page for  my artisan business; MoonGipsies.
And I've been donating some things.
This week I am working on a "give-away" art challenge thing where you send something to 5 different people.
Sort of a pay-it forward. So I am gathering 5 little "art packages" of sorts.
And I also have been finding homes for some of the art I've collected over the years; including some paintings by an artist I knew in New Mexico. The paintings will be part of an auction to benefit a local lady going through cancer treatments.

---and now I'm off to work on some jewelry... see you all tomorrow!