for the weekend

Today we had all intended to go out of town on a day trip... but somehow I've hurt my back again.
So... instead, it will be a quiet day here at the house; with lots of coffee, music and maybe some reading or watching of movies.

We had a visit during the night from our friend "Cassie"... the bear that allowed me to take her photo this summer. I can only assume that the warmer weather has confused her; and she has not gone to bed for the winter yet. The bear as a spirit totem animal is a very powerful thing... and her presence reminded me to read more about it (here).

Yesterday I went for a long walk in the woods... it was glorious.
It also reminded me of some promises that I made myself upon moving here about a year ago...
-to make more art and concentrate on being the artist I can be
-to get our finances/household in order
-to get rid of more stuff

To this end; I have mostly stayed true and on task.
=I've unloaded a lot of things... gotten some things in order (it's been a very hard year financially)
=I did a "give-away" for the holidays... and passed on almost 40 new/ like new... or handmade items for people to gift (to themselves or others). It was a huge success; and inspired several others to give away items and to help out the needy in our area... which is always a great thing.
=I've made quite a bit of art (not as much as I'd like). But we have gotten the studio is a much better state... and I am anxious to get working in there more.
=I've been very active in the art community here... helping to start and run (daily) a thriving artisan center, and was juried in to a couple outstanding art groups... the PA Wilds and the Route6 Artisan Trail (and was voted as a TOP 6 Artisan for our region). And I've stepped out of my comfort zone on several things... including submitting work to a magazine I admire. And even though that didn't pan out... it was/is important to try.

Tomorrow is the last day I will be posting a photo on my other blog: Light through the Leaves.
It has been tons of fun to post daily photos (since October of 2013)... but it's been over a year now; and it's time to move on to other things. Instead; I will be concentrating on revamping this blog... with themes for some of the days of the week... and a post for the weekend that includes lots of interesting links. I will be featuring more art! ... things I find ... things I've seen... and things I am making. I intend to feature more DIY type things... garden and household ideas... as well as poetry and writings (by myself and others)... and more. I have scads of ideas for the coming year; and I can't wait to share them all with you.

And so another year is coming to an end...
I am very grateful for your company along the way... and look forward to sharing another new year with you...
I hope you have a great weekend; and I'll see you all on Monday.