
The photo for today's post is of some old train tracks towards the border to New York State.
(which is closer than it sounds).
Just a few days ago, the hubby and I were in the area; and we stopped so I could take a couple of photos. 
I have a great fondness for trains.
There used to be a train that went through this town; and my husband's grandfather used to occasionally ride the caboose.
He would often wave to the kids in our neighborhood as the train came rolling down the tracks.

And so it was with great delight that we saw this set of tracks and decided to look closer.
Some of the markers dated back to posts put in in 1938 and 1943.

And... I think I have the flu.
Or maybe I am just inordinately tired... but ... 
I feel as though I am a steam train who has run out of steam.
And I am not sleeping well... which sort of explains why I was up last night in time to see this:

Hope this post finds you all well... take care; and I'll see you tomorrow.