for the weekend

Another week has completely blown by... and I find myself with a billion things I ought to be doing... and no energy to do them. Such is life. Sometimes things are just so chaotic and frazzled that you just have to step back and prioritize. Make a list. Figure out what you need to tackle first.... and then rest until you can do it. Do one thing at a time. Cross them off the list. Move on. Drink some hot tea.
Watch a movie. Snuggle with the dog. It'll all work out.
And that's where I am right now...

And wherever you are this weekend... here are some links to look at:
*steelbison (art)
*Akira Nagaya
*Yuli Brodskaya
*paper quilling
*Little Red Riding Hood (french 1847)
*Nunzio Paci
*Watkin's Glen in 1973 (not far from here)
*a french WWI soldier's room... untouched for 96yrs
*San Francisco in the 1940s and 50s
*forgotten words
*unborn baby animals
*on growing wildflowers
*eerily beautiful abandoned places
*recent solar eclipse and some photos
*a DIY blog I came across