...sometimes, like the siding on my neighbor's house... things just don't line up right.
We try and try, and things are just "off."
This is how this whole week has been for me.
Not sure the cause... not sure the fix...
but there it is.
Couple that with recent news articles, the passing of Robin Williams and Lauren Bacall...
and well, it's easy to feel down, depressed.... like there is no hope for the future.
And yet, in an odd way; we can be grateful for these rough times.
Because... it can motivate us to do better... be more thoughtful... be more kind
.... to remember that we all have our trials and tribulations... even when it's not visible to the masses. We have no idea the road others have walked.
That we all sometimes suffer... and sometimes that suffering is in silence.
And so we must remember to be more caring... more compassionate... more empathetic.
Listen more, judge less... help when we can.
Take it easy, my friends.
See you tomorrow.