
Another very busy week ahead for me... including working part time at the Artisan Center ( I volunteer there), part-time at my job, and a ton of work coming as I set up a yard sale at my mom's. This includes completely emptying out her garage (in case of rain)... and moving about 9000 books into it.... cleaning, organizing, pricing, tagging... We've been planning on having this yard sale for months... and now it's crunch time; so to speak.
Add in with that: errands and doctor appointments with my mom, getting groceries, checking in on a couple people I know, housework, yard work, time for my art business... well, you get the idea.
Plus, I'm behind on some projects that I really need to get finished.

I love my life here, but I am also looking forward to taking some time off in the not-so-near-future.
Among the future plans... a short trip to Chicago to meet an author my husband respects and admires... as well as some fabulous peeps from his online gaming group.

And yesterday was my husband's and my 24th wedding anniversary.
I feel blessed in so very many ways.

For the next few days; I may just be posting photos of nature bursting forth around me... while I try really hard to get some stuff done. Thanks for being patient with me... and know that I am working hard, and continue to take photos every single day and will be posting them here and on my photo blog.