
The other day, I had to drive slightly out of town on a couple of errands... and found a bank on the hillside loaded with May Apple  plants. I remember (quite fondly) an older gentleman in our church; who would announce yearly at services... that spring was officially here because the May Apple plants were up and blooming. He continues to be an amazing source of love and inspiration for me... as he knows just about all there is to know about trees... plants... and anything having to do with the woods. Other things too.... but for today's purpose... it's all about the plants.

from Wiki:
"Podophyllum peltatum, commonly called Mayapple, or May Apple,[1] (or hogapple, Indian apple, mayflower, umbrella plant, wild lemon (flavor of the fruit), wild mandrake, American mandrake (shape of rhizomes) or "devil's apple" (used for Solanum linnaeanum elsewhere)), is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Berberidaceae, native to deciduous forests in of eastern North America.[2] Like many other spring ephemerals, it emerges from below ground before the canopy of the forest opens, and then slowly withers later in the summer; the foliage is, however, somewhat more long-lived than other spring emphemerals such as Trillium."

Anyway... I love seeing them pop up on the forest floor... and according to some of the links below... I might be able to get some from a nursery to fill in the edges around our property... which would be awesome. For more information... check out these links...

Great link on Eat The Weeds: here
Link on Botanical.com: here
This is another great link I found: here