from Wiki:
"Podophyllum peltatum, commonly called Mayapple, or May Apple,[1] (or hogapple, Indian apple, mayflower, umbrella plant, wild lemon (flavor of the fruit), wild mandrake, American mandrake (shape of rhizomes) or "devil's apple" (used for Solanum linnaeanum elsewhere)), is a herbaceous perennial plant in the family Berberidaceae, native to deciduous forests in of eastern North America.[2] Like many other spring ephemerals, it emerges from below ground before the canopy of the forest opens, and then slowly withers later in the summer; the foliage is, however, somewhat more long-lived than other spring emphemerals such as Trillium."
Anyway... I love seeing them pop up on the forest floor... and according to some of the links below... I might be able to get some from a nursery to fill in the edges around our property... which would be awesome. For more information... check out these links...
Great link on Eat The Weeds: here
Link on here
This is another great link I found: here