Sometimes I like to look back thru the photos on my computer.
I have them organized by date.... so if I am looking through dates in April for instance...
I can see photos all taken in April... but in different years.
This makes for some fun times.... as I can see what any given day looked like.... but in different years.
So... just for grins... I looked and this is what I found for this week.... but 4yrs ago.
Apparently, it was one of my many trips driving back and forth from Albuquerque to PA; and these ones were taken somewhere in Texas.
I was never horribly fond of Texas ( I don't do well in heat)... but there is still something in the landscapes... the primitiveness of the highways I went on.... the desolation in alot of areas... that was just intriguing. And the color. Miles and miles of dirt and dust.... and then all of the sudden >>WHAM<< --there will be a hillside of vibrant wildflowers... and some glorious sunsets.
The starkness of winter... and now the winds of spring. Not everyone's favorites... and yet.... beautiful in their own right.
Today I was able to purchase some herb plants at a local market for my HUGE pot by the steps.
I was reminded by a friend to be sure to bring them in at night (or cover them up) as it still gets pretty darn cool at night (as evidenced by my poor forsythia plant that got frostbit the other night).
But at least I know that spring is definitely here... and it is sure to get warmer as the days progress.
And so for this lovely weekend... I have some links to share with you all:
*first... some MUSIC to set the mood.
* and some awesome poetry.
*so a friend gifted me with some feathers she had found... but didn't know what they were. Turns out; it was remnants of this.
*another friend sent me the link to THIS artwork ... so I thought I would share
*I saw this making the rounds on the internet.... and loved it.
*another artist friend of mine is doing a workshop in Australia... and subsequently, I was looking at artists who happen to live in Australia... and came across THIS bit of wonderful.
*speaking of art... I am always on the look-out for recycled art and craft workers. To this end, I came across this.
*and because we are financially-challenged... I found this and thought it was interesting.
*and THIS. Because; like... I need a reason. LOL.
*Thinking of my next set of business cards... and found this...
* I've been taking coconut oil for myself (dry hair and skin)... and came across this article for my Brina.
*and this. Because every opportunity I get.... this is what I do. I had no idea there was a whole "trend" or whatever about it. I feel cool now.