
Having my birthday on Earth Day has always been a fun coincidence.... being a hippie child and all... it really suits me.
And while I normally do not have the best of times on my birthday
(I go thru this whole self-evaluation thing that is just not fun... and something I am working on cutting out of my life)
-I love focusing instead on the Earth Day aspect... and doing something out and about in nature.

One thing we've done for several years now... is to plant something on Earth Day.
This year was no different.  We planted a gorgeous yellow forsythia plant... near our front steps...
and my daughter gifted me with a stunning lilac bush... which we planted near our deck.
I am really looking forward to smelling those blooms for years down the road.

Things I am Grateful for Today:

-the bright sunshine color of forsythia plants
-fresh good dirt to plant them both in
-keeping traditions that are fun and enjoyable
-trying to get rid of those traditions that are not
-bunnies in the yard
-and a groundhog! he was HUGE. And while I hope I don't catch him in my gardens come summer... he was fun to watch
-celebrating my birthday this week with lunch at one restaurant one day.... dinner at another a different day... and tonight... dessert at a 3rd restaurant.
-getting some money back on yearly taxes we hadn't accounted for
-cake. Cake is good.