
Things I am grateful for today:

-sleeping in. Today I got some extra sleep... and I guess I really needed it.
-birds singing. Yep. They were a riot out there this am... eating food and flitting about in the sunshine.
-snow. The shot above was taken out near Cherry Springs State Park... and it's gorgeous out there right now.
-big bowls. I have a (sorta) collection of old clay-ware bowls... and I just love them. Today I got one out and filled it with goodies.
-yard sales. Today I hope to go thru some stuff I've been stashing in the basement for a massive yard sale come Memorial Day. I hope to clean some stuff... sort some stuff... and look up prices.
-Ebay. ... (same as above). I've been really fortunate to have been gifted some stuff... and I'm anxious to see what all is there.
-paper. I also found my stash of scrapbook-type papers... and think, perhaps, tonight I will make some more envelopes for the Etsy shop.
-puppies napping in the sun streaming in the windows. 'nuf said.
-Judy Garland. She has been a favorite singer/ entertainer for years... but last night I ran across the movie "A Star is Born"... and it was just as awesome as I remembered.
-music. So... after last night... THIS is what I am listening to today ...