
Happy Valentine's Day!
It started out a bit rough... but ended with flowers (silly iPhone shots taken above)
I'm sure there's a life lesson in there somewhere...

Things I am Grateful for Today:

-people who love me in spite of myself (like when I am sad, mad, or difficult.)
-friends who force me out of my funk
-and take me shopping for thrifted goodness :)
-for the gorgeous embroidered blouse I found today
-for chocolate
-for the crockpot of chili I made last night.... so I didn't have to cook dinner
-for beads... which always make me happy
-for my daughter, my wonderful husband... my son in Albuquerque, my gorgeous granddaughter... and my beloved Brina.
-for carnations from friends in lovely red vases
-for roses from my hubby ... thank you love.