It's been so cold... and with all the snow-storms here on the east-coast; I thought I would post a photo to remind us that spring and summer ARE INDEED coming...
I took this photo right here in Potter County, in September 2010.... but just edited it tonight.
Things I am Grateful for Today:
-first of all; it's my son's 23rd birthday. I love you MICHAEL... and hope you are having an awesome day.
-and WOW! yesterday I saw a massive male bald eagle... right here in town! No camera with me... but WOW! he was awesome.
-music. This is what I am listening to right now....
-potato chips. Cheap thrills.
-tomato pincushions. My mom had a couple.. and I think they are adorable.
-thimble keepers. Who knew these existed? I sure didn't.
-hello dolly cookies. Yum. My 2nd most favorite cookie... and I got one today :)
-boxes. Yes, I know it's a mundane thing. But think about it for a minute. You get to carry/ store a WHOLE bunch of stuff.... in ONE place... and you can STACK 'em. Genius.
-sunflowers. Soon they will be blooming. Ok... sorta soon... in the whole scheme of time...
-garden catalogs... I think I need to go find mine :)