
Things I am grateful for Today:

-friends with cool collections. I love to see what people are interested in... what they love to have around them... things that make their heart happy.
-glass. I am enamored with glass and old bottles. I love all the colors.. especially the way the light comes thru them.
-rocks. Another one of my passions. I started collecting rocks when I was tasked (at the age of 4) ... to pick up rocks in our yard so my dad didn't run over them with the lawnmower. I even got a wheelbarrow for my 4th birthday for the job.
-tchotchkes. Collectibles. What-nots and do-dads. They are all awesome.
-steampunk. I was recently gifted with the most awesome lamp I have ever seen. It is an amalgamation of parts, gears, knobs and such... made by an artist in the area... it even has an Edison bulb!
-old books. Today I found an older hardback edition of Sherlock Holmes for my hubby for Valentine's Day.
-old cameras. I love them all.
-old furniture. My favorite pieces are from the Arts & Crafts period... but I love all the handwork, time, and gorgeous woods that went into old furniture. So much better than MDF.
-old movies. ... especially the musicals from the 40's and 50's.
-quiet winter evenings watching old movies... reading old books... and eating popcorn :)