I've been inordinately tired the past few days... and I can only assume it is a small Lupus flare.
The good news is... I've been able to sleep more soundly at night... so I hope to rest alot this weekend and hopefully kick it all to the curb.
In the meantime, I've been helping a friend organize some of the books and such in her house... and it's been alot of fun. I've had a wonderful opportunity to go thru some lovely antique books and some really interesting memorabilia of the area. And I am grateful to be here.
Things I am grateful for today:
-books. So many gorgeous words. So little time.
-photographers of years gone by. Where would we get our sense of history without all the wonderful people before us who documented what life was like.... be it with words, cameras... or the sketchbook.
-the scent of snow on balsam
-how your breathe forms clouds in the cold morning air
-frost on windows
-smoke from chimneys
-firewood... and how it crackles in the blaze
-bratwurst with onions and eggs
-how ice forms around the edges of small brooks in the woods