
Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake up and live!
 ---Bob Marley

No reason for the quote really... except that the curves/ signs on the roads here always remind me of such quotes.... and it's always a good reminder to LIVE life to the best of our abilities.

Today I am grateful for:

-cheese plates and fresh bread. When we were in State College the other day we stopped at a coffee and cheese shop and got some awesomely good tasting Brie and Blue cheeses.
-white wine
-roasted herb chicken
-happy puppies (Brina is feeling MUCH better tonight after getting the sedation out of her system post surgery)
-the post office. The folks who work at our local post office are really nice... and work really hard.
-photo printers. I can't imagine all the work that went into printing photos ... even just a few short decades ago. I know the process... and have done it myself (although not for several years now)... and it's alot of work.
-chocolate. I'm not a huge sweets eater... but a good Hershey's with Almonds on a bad day can turn everything around.
-light bulbs. We've had several bulbs burned out in our kitchen for a week or so.. and you don't really notice the difference until you put the new bulbs in. Lights are a good thing :)
-speaking of lights... we were gifted with this gorgeous Victorian style floor lamp. The silk shade had long died... so I pulled off all the fabric and such to leave the wire cage until I can fabricate a new one... but it's still awesome to look at... and works really well.
-flannel. The past few days I've been wearing more plaid flannel than a body has a right too... but it's warm and comfortable... and I love it.