These past few days have been chaotic and strange.
Too much nervous/ sad energy.
Today I took a walk... and seeing this leaf in ice today; just spoke to me about being "stuck"...
and that I need to get out of this feeling. So today I smudged... tried to release anxiety and frustration...
and am trying to move on.
Things I am grateful for today:
-supportive friends/family
-Rescue Remedy. Good for Brina when she gets nervous... good for me when I get nervous.
-music (today I am listening to Essential Lounge: Bombay)
((and speaking of music... did you see that Christine McVie re-joined with Fleetwood Mac))
-fresh fruit. (today we got groceries... and the grapes are terrific)
-Moleskine Notebooks. I keep a business ledger in a larger Moleskine notebook... and this week I got a new one in the mail for this year.
-packing tape. I know. This one seems sorta stupid. But like it's cousin Duct Tape... packing tape has so many cool uses. Like THIS.
-hot water. Sometimes you just need a long hot shower (or bath).
-dog treats. We were almost out... and I think Brina was afraid the universe had run out. But now we have more... and all is right with the world.