Friday Finds

I read... alot.
I love the written word.

I have decided to feature some of the blogs I read on friday's... hence the title... Friday's Finds.
I have about 250 blogs currently on my reading list... and I'm going to be sharing those links over the course of this year... on Friday's.
(plus any more I come across).
If you have a blog.... or have a favorite blog that you want me to feature...
just shoot me an email (


The last week of the year...
This year, when I started Friday Finds... I wasn't sure if I would have enough links to
feature 10-15 each week... and here we are finishing up the list.
It's been fun; and I hope you have enjoyed it.

So here are this week's blog links off my "favorites list":

El Dia de Los Muertos
Cas Holmes
Pixie Campbell
Work Hard and Starve (photography blog)
Local Milk
Amy Palko
I shoot Like a Girl
Reading My Tea Leaves
Clear North

and as a BONUS;
here are some websites that you may like ...

Street Art News
Remodelista Source Book
Mind Fit Move