Friday Finds

I read... alot.
I love the written word.

I have decided to feature some of the blogs I read on friday's... hence the title... Friday's Finds.
I have about 250 blogs currently on my reading list... and I'm going to be sharing those links over the course of this year... on Friday's.
(plus any more I come across).
If you have a blog.... or have a favorite blog that you want me to feature...
just shoot me an email (


Winter is definitely on it's way.
And this week has gone by waaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast.
Here are some more links off of my bookmarks
to help slow things down a bit.
So ... sit down... put up your feet
and have a nice read...

Lara Cameron
Lynn Hoppe
Andrew Samolinov
Maya Honey
Love, Meri
Oh Happy Day
Paradoxical Gypsy
Paul Murray
Pia Jane Bijkerk