friday finds

I read... alot.
I love the written word.

I have decided to feature some of the blogs I read on friday's... hence the title... Friday's Finds.
I have about 250 blogs currently on my reading list... and I'm going to be sharing those links over the course of this year... on Friday's.
(plus any more I come across).
If you have a blog.... or have a favorite blog that you want me to feature...
just shoot me an email (


Like the photos above... that show the comings... and goings of Mill Creek here in town...
sometimes I get so busy that I don't know if I'm coming or going.
It's a choice I suppose...
one that I was reminded of by a dear friend today.
The lesson being... you are (ultimately) in control of what happens to you during the course
of your day... in the sense of ... taking responsibility for what you allow IN...
and what you choose to allow others to foist upon you...
as well as how you respond to it all.
And I know this... but ... it never hurts to be reminded.
Especially when I --oh so-- need to be reminded.

Nothing to do with today's blog links...
just some thoughts rattling round in my head.

The first several blog links here below are mostly all art related; and
the last 3 are more like resource sites ...
I hope you like them.

Accidental Mysteries
Adventures of the Striped Stockings
Artsy Forager
Circles of Rain
Collage pdx
Muddy Foot

YaY Retro