It is such a relief to have dear BAJ here now (*he arrived late Monday evening).
The house is still a mess... there is still a TON of things to do...
and it's ok.
And... despite having a migraine for the last couple of days...
and missing a local art show that I was scheduled to vend at...
it's all good.
So ... here are some links to ponder over this weekend:
Here is some good news! for a change
This is a neat site that was passed on to me from a friend.
I thought this was cool...
I loved this article. I'd seen it long before... but it still warms me.
Earlier this week; I came across a link for THIS GUY.... and I hope to get one of his books or CDs sometime.
I was listening to this while cleaning my basement the other night :)
And then BAJ pointed this out to me... awesome!
We are coming up on the season of giving.
Be sure of who you are donating to! Look here.
And along with the holidays... can come anxiety and depression... so look here.
And I thought this was kinda funny ...
so enjoy... and I will see you all on Monday.