well... Thanksgiving has come and gone.
It's amazing how quickly time flies by.
Last weekend... I was writing about how my laptop had died... and we couldn't fix it until we found the program discs.... which are somewhere in out basement. Well... they are still there. The laptop is still in a coma of sorts... and along with it... all my bookmarks and such that I would normally be collecting and sharing on posts such as this.
But wait. I am not complaining. It just is what it is.
In the meantime though... other things have been going on.
* we hired a local electrician... and he has miraculously installed tons of lighting in the basement studio. It is truly amazing. He also installed an outlet strip... so I can plug in alot of my equipment.. .like the kiln... and the grinder and such. And... I ordered a couple small space heaters online... and now the studio is much warmer at around 58 degrees.
He was also able to repair and/or disconnect some bad outlets.. .including a couple that were outside... and not made to be outside outlets. And... he installed a new light/fan in our bathroom.
* I've hung up a few birdfeeders and treats for the birds in the yard... and we are enjoying watching them (and e chipmunks) frolic about.
* we went to a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner .. surrounded by good food... and lots of family that I haven't seen in quite awhile.
* I've caught up with some of my reading... and taken photos every day.
* I've listed most everything back in the Etsy shop that was there before the "big move cross country"..
* and we've watched several movies... some I liked... others not so much. But I thought I would share some of them with you all here:
Frida: love it. Excellent. Saw it years ago... and forgot how wonderful it was. Would watch again and again.
Dark Shadows: loved it. Sorta predictable... but still well done.
Hot Fuzz: surprisingly really good... plus.. .most of the cast is in it from Shaun of the Dead... which is also really, really good.
On the Road: supposedly about Jack Kerouac. Tons of sex. Not that I am against sex... but it's sorta like watching a fire... you want to turn away... you really do... and for some reason.. you can't. Pretty -- no really, really bad.
Life of Pi: whoa. Stunning visually. Cosmic. Awesome story too.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower: again; surprisingly good. Not great... but good.
The Odd Life of Timothy Green: tearjerker. Predictable. Shouldn't have bothered.
Drive Me Crazy: typical teen romance/comedy. eeps.
Home Fries: saw it years ago. I remember it being better.
The Descendants: surprisingly not bad!
The Black Dahlia: oh... how I wanted this to be good... and I kept waiting for it to be good. .. and it never made it there. Stunning photography though.
Hope Springs: truly terrible. wow.
---and on tap for tomorrow:.. This one.... hope it's good :)
Hope you all had a fabulous holiday... and are enjoying this wintry season... wherever you are.