I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed this week... and I am reminded of when I was a mid-teen studying for my certification to be a lifeguard. Feeling the envelopment of water as it flowed all around me. That feeling in the pit of my stomach of doom... sinking... nerves.... deep anxiety. Had I studied enough? Had I practiced enough. Treading water. Would I swim> Would I sink beneath the waters... a failure.... or would I merely float... not quite succeeding per se... but not drowning either.
This time next week..... we will be on the road.
I need to let go of all the woulda-coulda-shoulda's.
I need to make peace with the thought that I can't do it all... see it all... photograph it all...
and that there will be other opportunities. That everything will be OK... and in the grande scheme of things... it is just as it should be.
And so I sit. I open the doors. I let the wind clean out the house... clean out my mind.
-a book I want to get... and one we just got on sale from a local shop. so.very.cool.
-an article on success in business... but can apply to so much more.
-less stress, more living. An article on Huffington Post.
-a wonderful shop for Ayurvedic Herb products.
---> here's a place I want to go to... and another!..
-a thought-provoking list forwarded to me by a friend.
-a very cool site featuring some restored WWII era photos.
-quite possibly... one of the best Irish bands ever.
--and I'm just amazed with this! ...here...
-whoa. The "unlist" of female writers.
-what we had for dinner last night
-a lovely pair of earrings I made this past week
--moon phases and star scapes for where you live
(( the photo for this post is an accidental double exposure that I took the last time it rained here... but I thought it was cool))