...it's the weekend.
Man, how time is flying. This week has flown by... and yet...
it's been a wild roller coaster of ups and downs.
I feel a bit drained... well... more than a bit.
On Monday, the house will go through an inspection as part of the selling process.
So... before that; we have a few minor things to do around the house.
A small portion of the gutter needs re-hung, a couple lights on the patio need replaced...
and I've got some trees and bushes to trim in the yard; and lots of wood to chop and stack near the fire-pit.
It is nice to be SO close to getting everything we wanted to do for this house... done.
It's a closure I am proud of.... and I feel like all those years watching HGTV may have paid off :)
In other news... we've had lots of ups and downs looking for a place to land... but I am hoping we have found a good one.
Now we just need to finalize our financial stuff... and plan out a move cross country. oh... and then there is the whole job hunt thing...
It's exciting, and scary... and wonderful....
and terrifying... all at the same time.
I've learned alot during this whole process... and I'm sure there will be more before it's all said and done.
But overall, it's been good... and I need to keep that in mind during the rough spots (like today). But alas.
So... for this weekend's post... I thought I would include some interesting links that I hope you will like.
-Here is the fiction book I am currently reading
-Here is a wonderful magazine I am studying
-Here is a super cool magazine I just discovered... and it looks awesome
-this is the music on my cd player right now
-this is the movie I saw last night on TV... and this one from Netflix we plan to watch this weekend
-my most recent jewelry project... now in the shop
-my new tea love
-one of the best sites I've seen this week
-walk down memory lane HERE
-weird comment made to me this week-- "but if you move there... you'll be just like those people in Green Acres!"... No one has ever compared me to Eva Gabor before -- and I doubt it will ever happen again :P
Quote for the weekend:
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it."
--Johann Wolfgang von Goethe