friday finds

I read... alot.
I love the written word.

I have decided to feature some of the blogs I read on friday's... hence the title... Friday's Finds.
I have about 250 blogs currently on my reading list... and I'm going to be sharing those links over the course of this year... on Friday's.
(plus any more I come across).
If you have a blog.... or have a favorite blog that you want me to feature...
just shoot me an email (


When I was young (elementary and into high school)-- I drew alot.
Like ... alot.
I loved it.
Over the years though... I didn't make time for it... and gradually, got away from it altogether.

This week; I've been part of a group of folks who joined
Dawn DeVries Sokol's DOODLE CAMP... which is an on-line week-long course 
designed to encourage, give you some skills (through blog posts, videos and prompts)...
and get you going on your own sketching journey...
It even includes making your own sketch book!

I've been petrified.
In fact, so nervous... that I didn't really start working on it until halfway through the week.
Oh... I watched the videos that she posted daily (awesome!)...
but just couldn't bring myself to make a mark on that paper.
But now that I have... LOOK OUT!

So... for today's edition of Friday Finds,
I am posting blogs that have to do with sketching.

Cathy Cullis
Caitlin McGauley
Erin Faith Allen
Louis Vuittonet
Corrine Bayraktaroglu
Misty Mawn
Tascha Parkinson
Urban Sketchers
Kat Martin
Teesha Moore