.....feeling a little "prickly" at the moment.
I'm hot, I'm tired.... I have a ton of work to do... people are pissing me off... you know how it goes. And so I sit... and try to calm down.
Fortunately, I don't have many days like this... and it started off well enough... so I'm not sure at what point it all fell apart for me... but there it is.
And so I acknowledge that life ... does in fact.... suck on occasion.
And trust that tomorrow will be better... things will get done... life will go on..... and it will be OK.
And so I edit some photos.
These are all photos that I took today.
We were all running errands... and I got to take some shots out the window as we were driving around. The top photo was at Panera... where we had an awesome late lunch...
and the bottom 2 shots I took out the window as we were driving on the westside of ABQ at sunset. The one shows a fabulous sun-dog near the Sandia Mountains... and the other is sunset near Ladera Golf Course, with the volcanoes in the background.