This photo is one I took a year ago when BAJ and I went to Seattle for a short vacation.
(It was in a small park near the International District).
I love it... because I absolutely adore ferns... but more than that...
because it speaks to me about our current situation.
Sometimes it's easy to feel like you are "between a rock and a hard place...
and certainly... coming up on the prospect of being both jobless and homeless...
brings on lots of thoughts of insecurity... pain... frustration... and yes... wanting to give up.
But... like the fern it the photo...
I believe we can not only survive our current predicament... but... perhaps even thrive.
To this end, I have been concentrating on clearing out any extra stuff... and selling it... (or donating it)
because we have no idea where we are going... and the less we have to worry about taking with us...
or finding room for... or potentially having to store somewhere... the better.
These coming few weeks are going to be really busy.
Fixing up the yard... trimming trees... cutting lots of stumps and such that have been "seasoning" for firewood...
doing some simple landscaping things like adding mulch to our old garden beds...
fixing little things inside... like knobs in showers... and painting a couple ceiling lights...
replacing light fixtures outside... gutters that have loosened...
and cleaning... like the vents... windows... the furnace pads, etc.
It's all a process... and we're working on it.